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#8 Execute 'em ALL! Hee hee hee hee...
New intro song! Winter by Disco Nap which you can find at!!!!! It's a simple song but it's creepy and reflects me a lot! (no NOT the simple part you meanie) I added a brand spanking new segment! I hope you like it... If you don't PLEASE let me know!
Big Brother: Running away from the spies who are disguised as milkmen is not easy! But at least I have my swedish meatballs to keep me company. And a can opener! I remembered this time! Oh yes, and mascots are peto-files designed to make your kids VOTE!
Syd's thoughts: New segment where I can say anything I want about anything. I love politics so I thought I would bore you with my vies on the death penalty! I sound like a teen who doesn't know what she's doing but I DO! I'm just not a good conversationalist and talking off the cuff with no one to argue with is not my strong point... I need to be fired up.
Jippy: Jippy is my enemie as you may know. She's kind of evil... and is kinda opposite of me. You know, the reverse sci-fi me thing... she's a figment of my imagination. The song was Snowflakes by Demerit 7.
Sydney (producer):
An aspiring teen novelist and avid podcast listener. She doesnt sing, act, or do math. She spends most of her day attatched to her ipod and surfing the net.
Contact her at
Intro song: Winter by Disco Nap find it at
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