Marblecast Shownotes

Small, shiny, and not suitable for children under five years of age, it's Marblecast! A once a week sketch show from the mind of a teenaged high school Pennsylvanian, who's lost her marbles. She's slowly finding them all over the house and putting them in a small wooden box.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

To listen to the podcast episode #2 please click the link below:
#2 Party of Pestered People

This is my holidaycast! I wasn't feeling up to a regular episode so I wrote a bunch of stuff about if the characters were real and they worked for me as a sort of officy thing, and now they are talking to each other. I wrote this during a test at shool so dont hate me if it make you want to scratch out your ears in pain... Enjoy! Happy Chrismahannakwanza!

Oh and believe it or not, this episode took six hours to record. I had to record over a five day period. The different parts were all recorded with me stopping the mic, starting, stopping, editing as I went, and adding in audio.

Hey! For an excuse to lateness, everything is explained, I wrote to Sage of Quirky Nomads and she read my answer! Please check out her show, it's fantastic! Her show is pretty good too (just kidding, she made my lousy answer sound poetic.)

Sydney (producer):
An aspiring teen novelist and avid podcast listener. She doesnt sing, act, or do math. She spends most of her day attatched to her ipod and surfing the net.
Contact her at

Theme song:
Logan Whitehurst- Tea Time
Logan has recently passed away and you can download his music for free at, or buy his latest album on iTunes.


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